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About Us

Hello! We, Ata and Alp.After graduating from our universities in 2019, we started the seasonal/monthly/weekly/daily rental model to evaluate the properties we have together. Our purpose for establishing this page is to make the properties we have visible for you. Starting from the question "Would I have a holiday in this house?", we are trying to create a comfortable and enjoyable environment for you as much as we can. While trying to create this environment, we proceed in accordance with all legal procedures.You can reach us via our phone number, e-mail address, instagram page or airbnb link that we left on the site for reservation. We are open to all your positive and negative feedbacks within the framework of respect.


Security Manager


private security of villa nilufer :)


Güvenlik Müdürü


Villa Nilüferin özel güvenliği :)

Ata Berk Çebi




He may come to check the house from time to time :)

Ekran Resmi 2023-04-05 20_edited.jpg

Karaçalı mahallesi,cevat şakir 2 sk. No:5/A iç kapı no:1 Dalaman/Muğla


Airbnb,Whatsapp,Social Media

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  • Whatsapp
  • Instagram
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  • TikTok
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